Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced that by Christmas, England will have a “significant return to normality”.
“It is my strong and sincere hope that we will be able to review the outstanding restrictions and allow a more significant return to normality from November at the earliest – possibly in time for Christmas,” he said.
During a conference at Downing Street, PM Johnson announced that the course “remains conditional” dependant on the how well control of the virus is handled in avoiding a second wave of infections.
He said he was “hoping for the best and planning for the worst” and that from the first of next month “Instead of government telling people to work from home, we are going to give employers more discretion, and ask them to make decisions about how their staff can work safely.”
He went on to explain that even still, employees can continue” to work from home, which is one way of working safely and which has worked for many employers and employees”.